January 31, 2012

Serene Deletion

A project done for my 2D Design course. The assignment was to create an image with a competition between organic and geometric shapes. I wound up making it a personal piece dedicated to my late canary, Aurius. He was a good bird.

Serene Deletion - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic and custom brushes
Time taken: 2-3 hours
Made in: September 2011

January 29, 2012

And I never want to know why

Something I drew for fun. I thought it looked like a poster for a screamo band by the time I was finished, I might print it out and hang it up.
Words are lyrics from a song by Disturbed.

Never Want to Know Why - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic brushes
Time taken: 1-2 hours
Made in: December 2011

Equilibrium : 2D Design

Part of my 2D Design final last semester. The assignment was to make a movie poster based on what we learned in class. I used a complimentary colour scheme, graphic value, and implied symmetry. The movie was Equilibrium, my current favourite film.

Equilibrium Poster - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop
Time taken: 3-4 hours
Made in: December 2011


Something simple I drew recently to wind down from commission work. I've always loved small point light sources in dark spaces.

Ritual - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic brushes
Time taken: approx. 90 minutes
Made in: January 2012

Not Headlights : Commission

Commission for an acquaintance on an art site I am on. Was done for Halloween.

Not Headlights [for Bil E Horse]

Media: Photoshop basic brushes
Time taken: approx. 1 hour
Made in: October 2011

Cool Butt : Story

It's time for a bit of a story, folks.

This past summer (July/August 2011), I took up a baby sitting job. I normally wouldn't, as I do not do very well with kids unless I am painting on their faces, but the kids I would be taking care of were the niece and nephew of a close friend. Plus I needed some money for the coming school year. I accepted, and woke up at 6 AM every morning to ride my bike there, and came back on it at 3:30 - 4 PM every weekday.
The bike ride wasn't very long, three minutes at most, I could have walked if I wanted. The mornings were crisp and pleasant, but the afternoon ride home varied with the weather. This was also the first summer EVER that I was finally graced with the privilege of having an air conditioner in my room.

It was the day after I got it, and it was sweltering. I put on the news and found myself watching about three cumulative hours of heat warnings, the symptoms of heat stroke, how to keep cool, and urging the public to stay hydrated. I nearly passed out myself, even though I applied every single staying cool trick that still allowed me to watch the little monsters buzzing around me. I was happy to go home and get to know my new AC, but there was one last hurdle I had to clear … the ride back home. I figure that walking would only prolong my exposure to the stifling heat despite the fact that the effort would have been less, so I chose the quicker path to cool air and mounted my bike.

I will not summarize the arduous trip in full, as I am sure every human being could predict my choice of words in such a situation. But when I got home, I blasted past everyone at home waiting for me and turned on my AC to maximum power, dropped my pants, found a stool to stand on, and placed my posterior right in front of the vent. My relief was glorious. Glorious enough, in fact, to be comical; and in turn, comical enough to warrant an illustration.

Cool Butt (Featuring Hazel)

Bali Starling

I admire this species of bird a great deal, so I decided to paint one.

Bali Starling - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic brushes
Time taken: Approx. 30 minutes
Made in: October 2011

Obstinate : Robot Practice

A painting done to help me get over some artistic technical weaknesses. I do not do well with robot/artificial subjects and strong forms/planes. It's not without it's flaws, but it was still very fun and helpful.

Obstinate - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop custom brushes
Time taken: 3-4 hours
Made in: August 2011

Analogous : Transfer Print

Another transfer print made at a workshop I took this past summer. This one was inspired by my mother's work(which actually are just doodles and small pieces as of late) and other things she likes, like plants and colours analogous to turquoise. This was meant to be a gift for her, but she claimed the piece for herself before I could even finish it or offer.

Analogous - Chase Restrepo

Media: Ink, turquoise paper, oil pastel
Time taken: Approx. 1 hour
Made in: July 2011

Bacon : Transfer Print

A transfer made at a workshop this past summer. My painting teacher from high school hosted it. It was a wonderful trip, my mother attended it as well. I haven't made a transfer print since then, but I intend to, it's quite a fun process.
I named it Bacon after Francis Bacon, who's work provided much inspiration for this piece.

Bacon - Chase Restrepo
-First the raw print was made with ink on pink card stock
-The print came out very dark, so I went back into it with oil pastel to bring out some of the details
-After that, I used a wet brush to dissolve some of the ink and brush it around to give it a smoother texture

Media: Ink, card stock, oil pastel, water
Time taken: 30 minutes to an hours
Made in: July 2011


Another piece from my AP Art portfolio from when I was a high school senior. This may be my best piece from that entire concentration.

Yearning - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic brishes
Time taken: Approx 3 hours
Made in: April/May 2009 with edits made in 2011

January 28, 2012

Carved Stone : Study

A quick study made in Photoshop at my grandmother's house. Referenced from a photo I took since taking my laptop to the cemetery was out of the question.

Carved Stone - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic and textured brushes
Time taken: 1 hour
Made in: June 2011

Cemetery View

A very quick study I did this past summer on my grandmother's front porch.

Cemetery View - Chase Restrepo

Media: Photoshop basic brushes
Time Taken: 1 hour
Made in: June 2011